Mobile FEES Services

About our Mobile FEES Services
Being a professional Speech-Language Pathologist necessitates understanding the difference between FEES and MBSS diagnostics. Providing your patient with an effective treatment plan means having the ability to choose the most appropriate instrumental diagnostic.
Below are some benefits of FEES for both the Patient and Health Care Provider:
Benefits To Patient
Avoiding fluoro radiation*
Avoiding barium*
Avoiding unnecessary patient transport*
Allowing actual food and drink usage (no barium)*
Up to 5 times less expensive than MBSS
Accepted by most Insurance providers
Private pay accepted
Same day results
Same day treatment plan
Benefits To Healthcare Provider:
Quick diagnostic response (less than 72 hours versus up to 3 weeks)
Real time diagnostics and analysis
Isolation-precaution friendly procedure*
Full-color HD videography*
Allowing actual food and drink usage (no barium)*
Ability to assess without PO trials*
Observation of patient fatigue during procedure*
Realistic patient positioning*
No study time limitation*
Comprehensive diagnostic report
Exact aspirant identification*
- Reimbursable
What is FEES?
FEES, or Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, is a procedure administered by a speech-language pathologist used to asses how well a patient swallows.
Common concerns/complaints, types of patients, how we assist with treatment, and the benefit over MBS (Modified Barium Swallow).